If you read the title of this article and thought, "Oh no, not another reminder that AI could take my job." Many people across a wide variety of industries have felt the pressure to adapt to the times while worrying that these adaptations may soon lead to their replacement. This article isn’t aimed at dismissing those fears; rather, it aims to illuminate some of the ways AI tools could benefit the everyday worker without threatening their very important role in the labor force.
When used responsibly, AI tools can improve efficiency, help with organization, and streamline specific, repetitive, and small-scale tasks. While it’s hard to say with certainty what problems you might want or need to address with AI in your work, as a general rule, it’s a good idea to think of AI tools as your ‘busy-work workers’.
For example, there are many AI tools that simply keep track of data/information for you and have it available all in one place. No more searching through every folder on your computer each time you need to upload a document or turn in a financial report. If you’re an accountant or a bookkeeper, these tools could be a great way to stay organized during busy times of the year, like tax season.
Let’s dive into this topic a bit more and look at the ways AI tools could be the right (or wrong) solution to your workplace problems.
Currently, the most popular artificial intelligence solutions for workplace problem-solving are ChatGPT, DALL-E 2, Grammarly, Gemini, and many other websites that use AI tools but are not solely run by AI, like Adobe or Quickbooks.
Chances are, you’ve heard about most of those programs and would know how to implement them into your work if you wanted to. But there are more niche AI tools that you might not know about — ones that could seriously impact your day-to-day workload without taking anyone’s place. Below is a list of more specialized AI solutions that can help you with everything from simple task organization to full-on technology integration.
Undoubtedly, there are many benefits to certain AI solutions, and evidence shows that when implemented correctly, this technology can have a meaningful impact on productivity and business efficiency.
But what about the drawbacks to AI implementation? There are a few things that those thinking of addressing their workplace problems through AI solutions must be aware of. For example, when AI technology is implemented too quickly or without proper training, it can have the opposite of its desired effect. One survey found that respondents were “spending more time reviewing or moderating AI-generated content, investing more time in learning to use these tools, and are now being asked to do more work.” So much for productivity.
Another arguably more important factor to consider regarding the improper implementation of AI work solutions is the disproportionate effect it can have on members of marginalized communities.
“At an aggregate level, women tend to be overrepresented in roles that are exposed to AI automation, with 79 percent of women employed in roles that could be affected, compared to 58 percent of men.” Furthermore, “on net, a recent study found that Latino and Back workers are concentrated in the occupations most susceptible to automation.”
Finding the right AI tools for you is two-pronged: start small and stay specific. Find tools that are going to be particularly helpful to your job, not ones that are advertised for being helpful more broadly. Once you’ve found that tool, begin with casting off basic, repetitive tasks first. You might find that’s all you need AI to help you with.
So, while there might not be a detailed guide for every worker to find the most helpful AI tool, the aim of this article is to arm you with all the pertinent facts to provide you with alternative AI solutions that might solve your problems without eliminating the need for human input.
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