Hello! I was raised in El Dorado Hills, CA and graduated from San Diego State University with a BS in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing. With the ability to create relationships and work as hard as needed to succeed professionally, I always... Read more
Hello! I was raised in El Dorado Hills, CA and graduated from San Diego State University with a BS in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing. With the ability to create relationships and work as hard as needed to succeed professionally, I always wanted a career in Sales. As a Recruiter, I want to build long lasting relationships with my future clients to increase my understanding of their wants and needs. For my candidates, I strive to place them with companies that will grant professional success and help achieve their life goals. Future clients or candidates reach out to me at 949-336-5948 or send me an email at Kasian.strawick@CyberCoders.com to begin the process immediately. Another easy way to contact me is to connect on LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/kasian-stawick-83457a159.
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